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Legislative Bill Watch

Bills the State Bar of Montana is watching in the 2023 Montana Legislature


Bill Number Sponsor Short Title Status Note
House Bills        
HB 2 Llew Jones, HD-18, Conrad General Appropriations Act  Hearing -- (S) Hearing -- (S) Finance and Claims, April 6 Monitor
HB 326 Kerri Seekins-Crowe (R) HD 43 Revise laws relating to the appointment of the judicial standards commission Returned from Enrolling, April 3 Bar opposed
HB 410  Brandon Ler (R) HD 35 Establish a time limit for service of process (S) Scheduled for third reading, April 7 Bar opposed
HB 436 Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) HD 22 Revise laws regarding the substitution of judges (S) Scheduled for second reading, April 7 Bar opposed
HB 464 Paul Fielder (R) HD 13 Establish Judicial Transparency Act (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
HB 589  Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) HD 22 Provide for electors of a county to petition for a grand jury
  (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
HB 595 Scot Kerns (R) HD 23 Generally revise judicial election laws (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Bar opposed
HB 654  Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) HD 22 Revise laws related to court recordings (S) Died in Process* Bar opposed
HB 709 Jane Gillette (R) HD 64 Create and share publicly a district court/judge performance indicator display (S) Committee Executive Action--Bill Concurred -- (S) Judiciary, April 6 Bar supports
HB 772 Lyn Hellegaard (R) HD 97 Revising laws related to judicial disqualification and recusal (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
HB 815 Lyn Hellegaard (R) HD 97 Revise laws related to constitutional petition and expression rights (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
HB 915 Bill Mercer (R) HD 46 Constitutional amendment to change process to select supreme court justices (S) Hearing -- (S) Judiciary -- April 12, 8:00a.m., Rm 303 Bar opposed
HB 933 Joe Read (R) HD 93 Adopt the original 13th amendment (H) Missed Deadline for Appropriation Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
HB 965 Jerry Schillinger (R) HD 37 (H) Missed Deadline for Referendum Proposal Transmittal* Constitutional amendment to remove supreme court rulemaking authority Bar opposed
Senate Bills        
SB 44 Jason D Small (R) SD 21 Revise laws pertaining to court administration of certain civil cases (S) Missed Deadline for Revenue Bill Transmittal* Bar supports
SB 187 Chris Friedel (R) SD 26 Revise use of party affiliation for nonpartisan races Hearing, House Judiciary March 15; 8:00 a.m., Rm 137
  Bar opposed
SB 200 Greg Hertz (R) SD 6 Revise use of party affiliation for nonpartisan races (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SB 201 Greg Hertz (R) SD 6 Revise judicial recusal laws when parties made campaign contributions (H) Returned to Senate with Amendments Bar opposed
SB 230 John Fuller (R) SD 4 Provide that office of court administrator is under clerk of the supreme court (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SB 302 Daniel Emrich (R) SD 11 Require partisan general elections for judges
  (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
SB 311
  Barry Usher (R) SD 20
Reduce the number of associate judges on the Supreme Court
(S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
SB 355 Brad Molnar (R) SD 28 Require disqualification of certain judges receiving political contributions (H) Hearing (H) Judiciary, April 4 Bar opposes
SB 372 Daniel Emrich (R) SD 11 Constitutional amendment to revise selection of certain judges and justices Missed deadline for referendum proposal transmittal, April 6 Bar opposed
SB 395 Carl Glimm (R) SD 2 Allow judicial candidates to announce endorsements (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SB 438 Barry Usher (R) SD 20 Revise laws relating to the judiciary to require audit of state bar of Montana (S) Bill Not Heard at Sponsor's Request -- (S) Judiciary Bar opposed
SB 440 Barry Usher (R) SD 20 Revise laws relating to IOLTA accounts (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SB 509 Barry Usher (R) SD 20 Eliminate annual license tax for attorneys (S) Missed Deadline for Revenue Bill Transmittal* Bar supports
SB 562  Chris Friedel (R) SD 26 Constitutional amendment regarding term limits for other public officials/judges (S) Missed Deadline for Referendum Proposal Transmittal* Bar opposed
SJ 3 Ryan Lynch (D) SD 37 Joint resolution related to the Justice Counts Initiative (H) Hearing -- (H) Judiciary, March 16, 8:00 a.m., Rm 137  Bar supports
SJ 11 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Joint resolution defining law (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SJ 15  Tom McGillvray (R) SD 23 Resolution on Marbury v. Madison (H) Referred to Committee -- (H) Judiciary Bar opposed
SR 6  Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Confirm governor's appointees for the Judicial Standards Commission (S) Filed with Secretary of State  Bar supports
SR 7  Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Confirm governor's appointee for district court judge - district 20  (S) Filed with Secretary of State Bar Supports
SR 8  Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Confirm governor's appointee for district court judge - district 10 (S) Filed with Secretary of State Bar supports


* after status indicates the bill is probably dead


Bill Number Sponsor Short Title Status Note
HB 464 Paul Fielder (R) HD 13 Establish Judicial Transparency Act (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
HB 589  Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) HD 22 Provide for electors of a county to petition for a grand jury
  (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
HB 595 Scot Kerns (R) HD 23 Generally revise judicial election laws
  (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
HB 772 Lyn Hellegaard (R) HD 97 Revising laws related to judicial disqualification and recusal
  (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
SB 44 Jason D Small (R) SD 21 Revise laws pertaining to court administration of certain civil cases Tabled in Committee* -- (S) Judiciary, Jan. 6 Bar supported
SB 302 Daniel Emrich (R) SD 11 Require partisan general elections for judges
  (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
SB 311
  Barry Usher (R) SD 20
Reduce the number of associate judges on the Supreme Court
(S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal*
Bar opposed
SB 372 Daniel Emrich (R) SD 11 Constitutional amendment to revise selection of certain judges and justices (S) Tabled in Committee* -- (S) Judiciary Bar opposed
SB 395 Carl Glimm (R) SD 2 Allow judicial candidates to announce endorsements (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SB 438 Barry Usher (R) SD 20 Revise laws relating to the judiciary to require audit of state bar of Montana (S) Bill Not Heard at Sponsor's Request -- (S) Judiciary Bar opposed
SB 440 Barry Usher (R) SD 20 Revise laws relating to IOLTA accounts (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed
SJ 11 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Joint resolution defining law (S) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal* Bar opposed


* after status indicates the bill is probably dead