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Disputing Attorney Fees

Fee Arbitration

The Supreme Court of Montana encourages the informal resolution of fee disputes between lawyers who practice law in Montana and their clients. In the event that informal resolution cannot be achieved, the Supreme Court has established a program for the arbitration of disputes concerning any fees and costs paid, charged, or claimed for professional services by lawyers.

Please read the Rules before returning the forms (Arbitration Agreement and Petition for Arbitration). For more information, please contact the Fee Arbitration program coordinator, Ann Goldes-Sheahan, at (406) 447-2201 or

Also, fee arbitration is not the forum for claims of negligence, malpractice, or ethical misconduct. Those issues are decided by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel or by a court of appropriate jurisdiction. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel can be contacted at (406) 442-1648. The purpose of fee arbitration is to determine whether or not the fee is justified by the amount of time spent by the attorney and his or her staff on your case. The quality of work and the outcome of the case are not factored into fee arbitration. 

  •  See the Fee Arbitration Program's Forms & Rules