1st Judicial District to implement mandatory e-filing system May 1
The Montana First Judicial District Court will implement an electronic filing system for all case types capable of being electronically filed for Lewis and Clark County proceedings, and use of the e-filing system will be mandatory for those case types in the county for all lawyers admitted to practice in Montana.
Lawyers have until May 1, 2023, to become registered users of the electronic filing system and begin using the electronic filing system. Upon application to the First Judicial District Court Chief Judge, waivers for use of the system may be granted based upon compelling and extenuating circumstances.
Effective May 1, 2023, Rule I (Email Filings) of the First Judicial District Court Rules will be discontinued and abolished for all Lewis and Clark County litigants in DC, DD, DN, DJ, DR, DV and DI cases. Rule I will remain applicable for all Broadwater County litigants.
Instructions on becoming a registered user and accessing the electronic filing system are available at https://courts/mt.gov/courts/efile. An attorney shall not e-file documents for pro se litigants in contested matters.
Cases that are generally capable of being e-filed include, but are not necessarily limited to, DC, DN, DJ, DD, DR, DV and DI cases. On Nov. 18, 2014, the Montana Supreme Court adopted Temporary Electronic Filing Rules (TEFR) which govern access to and use of the electronic filing system. See In Re Temporary Electronic Filing, AF 14-0745 (amended February 22, 2022)