MCLE Reporting Requirement on pause until summer 2023
In order to allow MCLE to efficiently transition into the State Bar of Montana’s new membership software system, the Montana Commission of Continuing Legal Education will be delaying MCLE reporting requirements for the coming compliance season.
Once it is online, the new software system will move all of your MCLE reporting and compliance to one convenient location on your State Bar of Montana member dashboard. This system will also allow you to self-report all your CLE credits and view your transcript from your member dashboard. In order to properly build and transition the new system requirements, the MCLE staff will be unable to process and review CLE reporting during this time.
When does the reporting delay go into effect?
The delay went into effect Jan. 1, 2023. You may still report any credits earned thus far through Dec. 31, 2022. As of January, we will stop accepting self-reported CLE attendance filings until we go live in the new system. We will send notice of the new deadline for the 2022-2023 reporting year as soon as we are able to confirm that the system is live.
What does this mean for me?
If you are an attorney who is required to report MCLE (active attorney member), you will not be able to report your credits by March 31, 2023, but will report those credits through your State Bar member dashboard by the delayed deadline. Please continue to obtain your required CLE credits during the pause in reporting so that you are prepared to report your credits when the system goes live.
What if my Court-ordered credits are due during the pause in reporting?
If you are subject to a Supreme Court order that you obtain and report CLE hours within a specific deadline, they will still need to be reported to us by the deadline directed in the Court order.
Will there be any late fees assessed for the current reporting year?
Due to the delayed deadline for reporting, late fees will be assessed only for noncompliance with the delayed deadline, which will be specified when we are closer to going live in the new system. You will have notice of the new deadline with ample time to complete your reporting.
We have reviewed this transition schedule with the Montana Supreme Court. The Court agrees that the noncompliance provisions of MCLE Rule 12 will not be applied during the pause in reporting, and will resume once the new system is live.
What’s next for me?
You will be advised when the software transition is complete and we begin accepting new self-reported CLE attendance filings for the 2022-2023 compliance year, as well as when the delayed reporting deadline is established.
When will the new system go live?
Absent any major delays, we anticipate going live during the summer of 2023.