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Important update on MCLE software transition

The conversion to our new Mandatory Continuing Legal Education software system is proceeding on schedule, and as we near the final stages of the transition there are some important updates you should be aware of.

Soon we will be ready to transfer all the data from the old system to the new one, and while the transfer is happening that data will be inaccessible. This means that you will not be able to access your transcripts on your MyMTCLE account on our website,,after June 30, 2023. If you want to have a copy of your transcript for your records, you will need to print it from your MyMTCLE account before June 30. Transcripts in the new MCLE system will be available again when the reporting pause that is currently in effect ends, likely late summer 2023.

There is no need to panic if your transcript currently says that you are noncompliant for the 2022-2023 reporting year. Since we are still in the reporting pause while we move all the data around, credits you have earned in calendar year 2023 may not appear on your transcript yet. No late fees will be assessed while the reporting pause is in effect. We will keep you informed on a new reporting deadline for the 2022-2023 reporting year credits when our new system is in place. Continue to earn your CLE credits so that you are prepared to report through your State Bar of Montana Member Dashboard when the new system is in place and the new deadline has been set.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,

The Montana MCLE Department